Package Savage.Robots.UnmannedAirVehicles
package Savage.Robots.UnmannedAirVehicles
ClassDescriptionRQ-1A Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle armed with 4 AGM-114 Hellfire missiles.Extern prototype declaration for a DIS enabled Predator AUV for cut and paste into a VRML scene.Prototype for a DIS enabled Predator UAV for inclusion in a VRML Scene.Example showing NPS Predator Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) prototype.Contains 3 DIS-enabled Predator UAVs in a generic world.RQ-1A Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle armed with 4 AGM-114 Hellfire missiles.Rascal 110 UAV.Scan Eagle unmanned aerial vehicle.Sea Scan unmanned aerial vehicle.Tern UAV, high level of detail.Tern UAV, low level of detail.Tern UAV, original translated version prior to Chisel geometry reduction.