Package Savage.Tools.HeadsUpDisplays
package Savage.Tools.HeadsUpDisplays
ClassDescriptionA circular set of 12 compass bearings that follows the active viewpoint.A circular set of 36 compass bearings that follows the active viewpoint.A circular set of 8 compass bearings that follows the active viewpoint.Prototypes for a circular set of compass bearings that follow the active viewpoint.Example use of CompassRose prototype, a heads-up display (HUD) showing heading for current viewpoint direction.Definition of the CompassRose prototype, a heads-up display (HUD) showing heading for current viewpoint direction.Example use of a heads-up display (HUD) crosshair showing center of screen, useful for assessing lookAt point.Prototype for a heads-up display (HUD) crosshair showing center of screen, useful for assessing lookAt point.Digital Virtual Display (DVD) Controller interface example to control a scenario's animation timing, defined using an ExternProtoDeclare for easy reuse.Digital Virtual Display (DVD) Controller Prototype definition to control animation timing.Generic Heads Up Display (HUD) prototype to keep children on screen.Generic Heads Up Display (HUD) prototype to keep children on screen.Example world using an adjustable Heads-Up Display (HUD) or control panel.Prototype for a "heads-up" control panel.ViewPositionOrientation Heads-Up Display (HUD) to show position and orientation on screen.