X3D Example Archives: Savage, Aircraft Helicopters, AH 1 Super Cobra United States

  13 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
   ExampleCamouflageCobra Example Camouflage Cobra Instantiates an example of the Super Cobra AH-1Z Helicopter's prototype.
   ExampleGreenCobra Example Green Cobra Instantiates an example of the Super Cobra AH-1Z Helicopter's prototype in Green Color.
   ExampleGreyCobra Example Grey Cobra Instantiates an example of the Super Cobra AH-1Z Helicopter's prototype in Grey Color.
   Example Grey Cobra Java Export Instantiates an example of the Super Cobra AH-1Z Helicopter's prototype in Grey Color.
   FourBladeMainRotorPrototype Four Blade Main Rotor Prototype Prototypes a 4 blade main rotor and its shaft for a helicopter, rotating clockwise as seen from above.
   RocketPod Rocket Pod Defines a 2.75 inch rocket weapon system that is inlined to create a helicopter
   SkidLeft Skid Left Defines the skid on the right side of a cobra helicopter.
   SkidRight Skid Right Defines the skid on the right side of a cobra helicopter.
   SuperCobraEagleDIS Super Cobra Eagle DIS Simple addition of Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocol EspduTransform with an inlined model (requires installation of DIS-Java-VRML on local machine). Receives packets sent to Eagle in Capture the Flag demo. Page down to first viewpoint to view moving helicopter.
   Super Cobra Example Shows how to a prototype of Supercobra AH-1Z helicopter.
   Super Cobra Example Java Export Shows how to a prototype of Supercobra AH-1Z helicopter.
   SuperCobraPrototype Super Cobra Prototype Defines a prototype of Supercobra AH-1Z helicopter.
   TwoBladeTailRotorPrototype Two Blade Tail Rotor Prototype Prototypes a two-blade tail rotor and its shaft for a helicopter.

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Official disclaimer: "Material contained herein is made available for the purpose of peer review and discussion and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense."