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X3D-Edit 4.0 Authoring Tool
for Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics

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X3D-Edit is a free, open-source Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics authoring tool for simple high-quality authoring, editing, import/export, validation and viewing of X3D scenes.

X3D-Edit 4.0 splash screen

New tutorial presentation: X3D Assets and X3D-Edit Authoring Tool.

New version available for download 4 June 2024.

X3D-Edit 4.0 is a trusted plugin available within NetBeans Integrated Developing Environment (IDE). We release new versions quarterly in tandem with NetBeans updates.

We are now using Java OpenJDK 23 and Apache NetBeans 23 to build and run X3D-Edit.

You are welcome to send issue reports (success, failure, suggestions) to brutzman at and tdnorbra at

X3D-Edit 4.0 welcome screen

Overview to top

The X3D-Edit 4.0 Authoring Tool for Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics supports the creation, checking, display and publication of X3D scenes. It is written in open-source Java and XML using the NetBeans platform, making it suitable both as a standalone application and as a plugin module for the NetBeans integrated development environment (IDE).

Motivation for X3D-Edit design has always been centered around authors making great X3D content for Web users, precise implementation of the X3D specifications, and quality assurance (QA) for producing reliable results.

X3D-Edit features include direct editing of X3D scenes using the XML (.x3d) encoding, embedded visualization of scenes using an enhanced version of the original Xj3D viewer, XML validation using X3D DTD grammars, X3D Schema grammars and X3D Schematron rules, drag-and-drop palette for X3D nodes, popup panels for node editing, and extensive help resources. Menu selections provide import/export support for the VRML97 (.wrl), ClassicVRML (.x3dv) and X3D compressed binary (.x3db) encodings. Further features include encryption and digital-signature authentication using XML Security standards, and additional X3D scene authoring support.

X3D-Edit 4.0 is stable and available for public use.

Acknowledgements to top

X3D-Edit 4.0 was created by Don Brutzman, Mike Bailey, and Terry Norbraten.

Additional help and feedback was provided by Don McGregor and Jeff Weekley, together with the MV3204 Introduction to X3D Graphics and the MV4205 Advanced X3D Graphics classes at NPS.

We gratefully acknowledge further assistance by Leonard Daly (Daly Realism), Alan Hudson (Yumetech), Rick Goldberg (Aniviza), plus members of the Web3D Consortium and the X3D Graphics Working Group.

X3D-Edit was built as an externally funded research project performed by the Modeling, Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey California USA.

Research and development inquiries are welcome. We are happy to discuss the possibility of embedding other open-source Java libraries and providing further X3D functionality within X3D-Edit.

Books to top

Downloads to top

Preferred installation of X3D-Edit within NetBeans is via the panel NetBeans > Tools > Plugins > Available Plugins.

We are now using Java OpenJDK 23 and Apache NetBeans 23. Minimum installation prerequisites: Java JDK 18 or better, NetBeans 18 or better.

The trusted NetBeans Plugin Update Center (image) includes a direct download link for the latest X3D-Edit plugin module. Plugin portal download statistics show nearly 22,000 downloads since May 2023.

To confirm necessary steps for your trusted NetBeans plugin installation, here are example screenshots:

Additional download assets are also available online.

Features to top

X3D-Edit has grown in parallel to development of the X3D Specification, testing X3D functionality throughout years of development. Built-in features include:

X3D-Edit Preferences panel exposes numerous settings for users.

New and additional features include the following. to top

Licenses to top

X3D-Edit 4.0 is open source, written in Java and XML, based on the Apache NetBeans platform. It may be used for any legitimate purpose.

The X3D-Edit application and module source code is distributed under a non-viral BSD-style open-source license (text) by the Web3D Consortium.

Other ancillary supporting packages are provided under the terms of their own respective open-source licenses.

Mailing Lists to top

Feedback and discussion are welcome. X3D community discussions are supported by the non-profit Web3D Consortium at

Support to top

NetBeans X3D-Edit runs on desktop/laptop systems and is portable across major operating systems (Windows, MacOSX, Linux).

Visualization Features to top

Author-assist visualization graphics are provided for certain X3D nodes in order to help show their effects.

Visualization graphics are available for the following X3D nodes:

Contact to top

Questions, suggestions and comments about these resources are welcome. Please send them to Don Brutzman (brutzman at

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Page revised 30 September 2024

(official disclaimer)