X3D Example Archives: Savage, Scenarios, Tank Maneuver

  13 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
   BMP1Hull BMP 1 Hull A BMP-1 armored fighting vehicle.
   BMP1Turret BMP 1 Turret A BMP-1 armored fighting vehicle.
   DestroyedBMP Destroyed BMP A BMP-1 armored fighting vehicle.
   Explosion Explosion BMP Explosion
   GunFire Gun Fire Animation for the M1 main gun firing
   M1A2Turret M 1 A 2 Turret Untextured M1A2 for use in larger scenes.
   myTree my Tree Random stylized tree generated by the "Semi-Random Tree Generator" java progam
   Smoke Smoke Animated smoke
   TankManeuver Tank Maneuver FIG 3-11A-C from FM 17-15 Tank Platoon. Depicts a platoon of tanks maneuvering upon an inferior force, consisting of a lone BMP.
   Tree1 Tree 1 Random stylized tree generated by the "Semi-Random Tree Generator" java progam
   Tree2 Tree 2 Random stylized tree generated by the "Semi-Random Tree Generator" java progam
   Tree3 Tree 3 Random stylized tree generated by the "Semi-Random Tree Generator" java progam
   Tree4 Tree 4 Random stylized tree generated by the "Semi-Random Tree Generator" java progam

The Savage Developers Guide provides more information about the production of this archive.

Official disclaimer: "Material contained herein is made available for the purpose of peer review and discussion and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense."