X3D Example Archives: Savage, Scenarios, Uss Cole Terrorist Attack

  16 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
   AdenHarbor Aden Harbor Large scale geography for Aden Harbor, Yemen bounded by 1240N - 1255N, 044-45E - 045-05E. Based on 100m postings from Level 1 DTED data.
   AdenHarborChart Aden Harbor Chart Chart of Aden Harbor, Yemen.
   AdenHarborCloseIn Aden Harbor Close In Aden Harbor, Yemen: 4km x 4km centered about 124754N, 0445855E (Refueling Dolphin Seven). Used to ensure good frame rate at the heart of scenario.
   AdenHarborSmallScale Aden Harbor Small Scale Mid-Sized Geography for Aden Harbor, Yemen bounded by 12-42N - 12-52N, 044-53E - 045-03E. Based on 100m postings from Level 1 DTED data.
   GarbageBoatPrototype Garbage Boat Prototype Simple model of a presumed Garbage boat present on the day of the terrorist attack on the USS COLE in Aden, Yemen Aligned down positive x axis as required for Savage vehicle models.
   LineBoatPrototype Line Boat Prototype Simple model of line handling boat used to moor the USS COLE in Aden Harbor, Yemen in October 2000. Aligned down positive x axis as required for Savage vehicle models.
   PhysicsBasedExplosionExample Physics Based Explosion Example Click on the text to trigger an exemplar of the physics-based explosion model prototype.
   PhysicsBasedExplosionPrototype Physics Based Explosion Prototype A physics-based explosion model for 1/3 ton of TNT from the US Army's TNT Equivalency Model for modeling the attack on the USS COLE by Al-Qaida. Takes an input time as trigger parameter. Rings correspond to levels of damage on steel(unclass levels for representation purposes).
   RefuelingPierSeven Refueling Pier Seven Refueling dolphin 7 at Aden Harbor, Yemen
   Rhib Rhib Standard U.S. Navy Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (Rhib)
   RHIBPrototype RHIBPrototype Simple model of US Navy non-Spec War RHIB boat. Aligned down positive x axis as required for Savage vehicle models.
   TerroristBoatBoxmanOnboardPrototype Terrorist Boat Boxman Onboard Prototype Simple model of fiberglass skiff used by terrorists to attack the USS COLE in Aden Harbor, Yemen with Boxman driving. Aligned down positive x axis as required for Savage vehicle models.
   TerroristBoatPrototype Terrorist Boat Prototype Simple model of fiberglass skiff used by terrorists to attack the USS COLE in Aden Harbor, Yemen. Aligned down positive x axis as required for Savage vehicle models.
   UssColeTerroristAttack Uss Cole Terrorist Attack Unclassified physical based model of the Al-Qaida sponsored terrorist attack on the USS COLE on 12 October 2000. Click on the Terrorist boat to trigger the explosion.
   UssColeTerroristAttackDIS Uss Cole Terrorist Attack DIS Networked model of the terrorist attack on the USS COLE. Run TerroristBoatControlPanel to drive the boat.
   UtilityBoatPrototype Utility Boat Prototype Simple model of utility boat in vicinity of the USS COLE in Aden Harbor, Yemen in October 2000. Aligned down positive x axis as required for Savage vehicle models.

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Official disclaimer: "Material contained herein is made available for the purpose of peer review and discussion and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense."