Package Savage.Weapons.UnderwaterMines
package Savage.Weapons.UnderwaterMines
ClassDescriptionItalian Manta bottom mine, with truncated cone and handling padeyes.Example instance: Italian Manta bottom mine, with truncated cone and handling padeyes.Italian Manta bottom mine, with truncated cone and handling padeyes.U.S.Russian bottom mine triggered by tilt bar (whisker); example use of prototype.Russian bottom mine triggered by tilt bar (whisker); prototype declaration for reuse in other scenes.Example instance of prototype for a reported contact.Example instance of prototype for a reported mine-like contact.The wedge-shaped Swedish Rockan GMI-100 mines are anti-ship weapons with acoustic and magnetic activation.Sonar reflector made of aluminum plates welded together, used as a minelike object decoy.Example use of SphericalMine prototype.Underwater mine prototype SphericalMine.