All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages
- AAAV - Class in Savage.AmphibiousVehicles.AAAV
Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle.
- AAAV() - Constructor for class Savage.AmphibiousVehicles.AAAV.AAAV
Default constructor to create this object.
- AAV - Class in Savage.AmphibiousVehicles.AAV
The AAV is a fully-tracked Amphibious Assault Vehicle (Patrol), aka AAV7PA1 and LVTP7.
- AAV() - Constructor for class Savage.AmphibiousVehicles.AAV.AAV
Default constructor to create this object.
- AboveTextureUnderwayDDG - Class in Savage.AircraftHelicopters.SH60bSeahawkUnitedStates
CS3204 class final project: SH-60B Scene.
- AboveTextureUnderwayDDG() - Constructor for class Savage.AircraftHelicopters.SH60bSeahawkUnitedStates.AboveTextureUnderwayDDG
Default constructor to create this object.
- AcousticTransmissionCylinderExample - Class in Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.SeaWeb
An example of an acoustic transmission cylinder, beamCount can be incremented or decremented by single pings.
- AcousticTransmissionCylinderExample() - Constructor for class Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.SeaWeb.AcousticTransmissionCylinderExample
Default constructor to create this object.
- AcousticTransmissionCylinderPrototype - Class in Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.SeaWeb
An acoustic transmission cylinder has a moving inner radius and a constant (maximum) outer radius, visualizing the pulse width of cylindrical propagation.
- AcousticTransmissionCylinderPrototype() - Constructor for class Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.SeaWeb.AcousticTransmissionCylinderPrototype
Default constructor to create this object.
- AcousticTransponderWhoi - Class in Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles
Acoustic Modem Transponder for the WHOI REMUS.
- AcousticTransponderWhoi() - Constructor for class Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles.AcousticTransponderWhoi
Default constructor to create this object.
- AdenHarbor - Class in Savage.Scenarios.UssColeTerroristAttack
Large scale geography for Aden Harbor, Yemen bounded by 1240N - 1255N, 044-45E - 045-05E.
- AdenHarbor() - Constructor for class Savage.Scenarios.UssColeTerroristAttack.AdenHarbor
Default constructor to create this object.
- AdenHarborChart - Class in Savage.Scenarios.UssColeTerroristAttack
Chart of Aden Harbor, Yemen.
- AdenHarborChart() - Constructor for class Savage.Scenarios.UssColeTerroristAttack.AdenHarborChart
Default constructor to create this object.
- AdenHarborCloseIn - Class in Savage.Scenarios.UssColeTerroristAttack
Aden Harbor, Yemen: 4km x 4km centered about 124754N, 0445855E (Refueling Dolphin Seven).
- AdenHarborCloseIn() - Constructor for class Savage.Scenarios.UssColeTerroristAttack.AdenHarborCloseIn
Default constructor to create this object.
- AdenHarborSmallScale - Class in Savage.Scenarios.UssColeTerroristAttack
Mid-Sized Geography for Aden Harbor, Yemen bounded by 12-42N - 12-52N, 044-53E - 045-03E.
- AdenHarborSmallScale() - Constructor for class Savage.Scenarios.UssColeTerroristAttack.AdenHarborSmallScale
Default constructor to create this object.
- AftBottomPanel - Class in Savage.Robots.JetFireTransformerToy
Transformer robot component.
- AftBottomPanel() - Constructor for class Savage.Robots.JetFireTransformerToy.AftBottomPanel
Default constructor to create this object.
- AftMast - Class in Savage.ShipsMilitary.DD963SpruanceUnitedStates
Spruance Aft Mast.
- AftMast() - Constructor for class Savage.ShipsMilitary.DD963SpruanceUnitedStates.AftMast
Default constructor to create this object.
- AftSuperstructure - Class in Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates
DDG-51 Flight IIA Arleigh Burke aft superstructure.
- AftSuperstructure() - Constructor for class Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates.AftSuperstructure
Default constructor to create this object.
- AftVentralPanel - Class in Savage.Robots.JetFireTransformerToy
Aft Ventral Panel.
- AftVentralPanel() - Constructor for class Savage.Robots.JetFireTransformerToy.AftVentralPanel
Default constructor to create this object.
- AGM65Maverick - Class in Savage.Weapons.Missiles
AGM-65M Maverick Missile, as a component of P-3C Orion aircraft, for MV3204 course.
- AGM65Maverick() - Constructor for class Savage.Weapons.Missiles.AGM65Maverick
Default constructor to create this object.
- AGM65MaverickViewAnchors - Class in Savage.Weapons.Missiles
AGM-65M Maverick Missile with anchors points for selective viewpoints, and touch sensors for user interaction.
- AGM65MaverickViewAnchors() - Constructor for class Savage.Weapons.Missiles.AGM65MaverickViewAnchors
Default constructor to create this object.
- AH64DApacheLongbow - Class in Savage.AircraftHelicopters.AH64dApacheLongbowUnitedStates
AH-64D Apache Longbow model was originally in Open Flight and was converted to VRML 2, then imported using X3D-Edit.
- AH64DApacheLongbow() - Constructor for class Savage.AircraftHelicopters.AH64dApacheLongbowUnitedStates.AH64DApacheLongbow
Default constructor to create this object.
- AIM120Missile - Class in Savage.Weapons.Missiles
Static model with mounting device, Hughes / Raytheon AIM-120 "AMRAAM".
- AIM120Missile() - Constructor for class Savage.Weapons.Missiles.AIM120Missile
Default constructor to create this object.
- AIM9M - Class in Savage.Weapons.Missiles
AIM9M Sidewinder supersonic, heat-seeking, air-to-air missile.
- AIM9M() - Constructor for class Savage.Weapons.Missiles.AIM9M
Default constructor to create this object.
- AIM9X - Class in Savage.Weapons.Missiles
AIM-9X Sidewinder supersonic, heat-seeking, air-to-air missile.
- AIM9X() - Constructor for class Savage.Weapons.Missiles.AIM9X
Default constructor to create this object.
- AircraftFuselage - Class in Savage.AircraftFixedWing.F18BlueAngelUnitedStates
The main fuselage of a Blue Angel, created with an Extrusion node and the image of a F18 cockpit attached to it.
- AircraftFuselage() - Constructor for class Savage.AircraftFixedWing.F18BlueAngelUnitedStates.AircraftFuselage
Default constructor to create this object.
- AirRadarLw08 - Class in Savage.ShipsMilitary.DD963SpruanceUnitedStates
Navigation radar zw06.
- AirRadarLw08() - Constructor for class Savage.ShipsMilitary.DD963SpruanceUnitedStates.AirRadarLw08
Default constructor to create this object.
- AirSpeed - Class in Savage.AircraftHelicopters.HelicopterUnitedStates
This file defines an air speed screen that is inlined to create the cockpit console of a helicopter.
- AirSpeed() - Constructor for class Savage.AircraftHelicopters.HelicopterUnitedStates.AirSpeed
Default constructor to create this object.
- AirspeedIndicator - Class in Savage.AircraftHelicopters.OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates
This file defines an airspeed indicator that is inlined to create the cockpit console of a helicopter.
- AirspeedIndicator() - Constructor for class Savage.AircraftHelicopters.OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates.AirspeedIndicator
Default constructor to create this object.
- ALCMExtended - Class in Savage.Weapons.Missiles
US Air Force AGM-86B, Air Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM).
- ALCMExtended() - Constructor for class Savage.Weapons.Missiles.ALCMExtended
Default constructor to create this object.
- ALCMFolded - Class in Savage.Weapons.Missiles
US Air Force AGM-86B, Air Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM).
- ALCMFolded() - Constructor for class Savage.Weapons.Missiles.ALCMFolded
Default constructor to create this object.
- Altimeter - Class in Savage.AircraftHelicopters.HelicopterUnitedStates
This file defines an altimiter gauge that is inlined to create the cockpit console of a helicopter.
- Altimeter - Class in Savage.AircraftHelicopters.OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates
This file defines an altimeter gauge that is inlined to create the cockpit console of a helicopter.
- Altimeter() - Constructor for class Savage.AircraftHelicopters.HelicopterUnitedStates.Altimeter
Default constructor to create this object.
- Altimeter() - Constructor for class Savage.AircraftHelicopters.OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates.Altimeter
Default constructor to create this object.
- Alupis - Class in Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles
Alupis Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) with acoustic modem and side-looking sonar.
- Alupis() - Constructor for class Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles.Alupis
Default constructor to create this object.
- AmphibiousRaid - Class in Savage.Scenarios.AmphibiousRaidCampPendleton
Amphibious Raid shows an exemplar amphibious raid at Red Beach, Camp Pendleton California.
- AmphibiousRaid() - Constructor for class Savage.Scenarios.AmphibiousRaidCampPendleton.AmphibiousRaid
Default constructor to create this object.
- AmphibiousRaidWithCommunications - Class in Savage.Scenarios.AmphibiousRaidCampPendleton
Amphibious Raid shows an exemplar amphibious raid at Red Beach, Camp Pendleton California.
- AmphibiousRaidWithCommunications() - Constructor for class Savage.Scenarios.AmphibiousRaidCampPendleton.AmphibiousRaidWithCommunications
Default constructor to create this object.
- Amraam - Class in Savage.Weapons.Missiles
F16, Fighting Falcon, Turkish Air Force (TUAF) AIM120 AMRAAM missile.
- Amraam() - Constructor for class Savage.Weapons.Missiles.Amraam
Default constructor to create this object.
- AmraamHolder - Class in Savage.AircraftFixedWing.F16FightingFalconTurkey
F16, Fighting Falcon, Turkish Air Force (TUAF) AIM120 AMRAAM missile holder.
- AmraamHolder() - Constructor for class Savage.AircraftFixedWing.F16FightingFalconTurkey.AmraamHolder
Default constructor to create this object.
- AnimatedViewpointRecorderExample - Class in Savage.Tools.Authoring
Example authoring use of AnimatedViewpointRecorder prototype.
- AnimatedViewpointRecorderExample() - Constructor for class Savage.Tools.Authoring.AnimatedViewpointRecorderExample
Default constructor to create this object.
- AnimatedViewpointRecorderPrototype - Class in Savage.Tools.Authoring
Record camera position and orientation as user navigates, then filter values and produce output, both into the console output window and as a replayable node group.
- AnimatedViewpointRecorderPrototype() - Constructor for class Savage.Tools.Authoring.AnimatedViewpointRecorderPrototype
Default constructor to create this object.
- AnimatedViewpointRecorderSample - Class in Savage.Tools.Authoring
Example output from AnimatedViewpointRecorderExample showing results from four separate, previously computed, animated viewpoint recordings.
- AnimatedViewpointRecorderSample() - Constructor for class Savage.Tools.Authoring.AnimatedViewpointRecorderSample
Default constructor to create this object.
- Animation - Class in Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates
DDG-51 Flight IIA Arleigh Burke Destroyer with integrated VLS Tomahawk scene from Savage database missiles directory and SH-60B Fly off from LPD directory.
- Animation() - Constructor for class Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDG51FlightIIaUnitedStates.Animation
Default constructor to create this object.
- AntennaMast - Class in Savage.ShipsMilitary.DestroyerSovremennyRussia
Antenna Mast for Russian Ship Sovremenny.
- AntennaMast() - Constructor for class Savage.ShipsMilitary.DestroyerSovremennyRussia.AntennaMast
Default constructor to create this object.
- ArbitraryAxisCylinderSensorExamples - Class in Savage.Tools.Animation
Modified CylinderSensor oriented about an arbitrary axis, relative to peer/child geometry that remains oriented to its original axis.
- ArbitraryAxisCylinderSensorExamples() - Constructor for class Savage.Tools.Animation.ArbitraryAxisCylinderSensorExamples
Default constructor to create this object.
- ArbitraryAxisCylinderSensorPrototype - Class in Savage.Tools.Animation
Modified CylinderSensor oriented about an arbitrary axis, relative to peer/child geometry that remains oriented to its original axis.
- ArbitraryAxisCylinderSensorPrototype() - Constructor for class Savage.Tools.Animation.ArbitraryAxisCylinderSensorPrototype
Default constructor to create this object.
- AriesEspduExample - Class in Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles
Extern prototype declaration for a DIS enabled Aries AUV for cut and paste into a VRML scene.
- AriesEspduExample() - Constructor for class Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles.AriesEspduExample
Default constructor to create this object.
- AriesEspduPrototype - Class in Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles
Prototype for a DIS enabled (including articulated parameters) for inclusion in a VRML/X3D Scene.
- AriesEspduPrototype() - Constructor for class Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles.AriesEspduPrototype
Default constructor to create this object.
- AriesExample - Class in Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles
Example showing NPS Aries Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (AUV) prototype.
- AriesExample() - Constructor for class Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles.AriesExample
Default constructor to create this object.
- AriesInOpenWater - Class in Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles
Contains 3 DIS-enabled Aries AUVs in an open-ocean environment.
- AriesInOpenWater() - Constructor for class Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles.AriesInOpenWater
Default constructor to create this object.
- AriesNoThrusterPorts - Class in Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles
Updated model of NPS Aries Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.
- AriesNoThrusterPorts() - Constructor for class Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles.AriesNoThrusterPorts
Default constructor to create this object.
- AriesOffPanamaCity - Class in Savage.AuvWorkbench.OperatingAreas
Contains four DIS-enabled Aries UUVs in an open-ocean environment.
- AriesOffPanamaCity() - Constructor for class Savage.AuvWorkbench.OperatingAreas.AriesOffPanamaCity
Default constructor to create this object.
- AriesPrototype - Class in Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles
Model of the Acoustic Radio Interactive Exploratory Server (ARIES), an operational NPS-designed Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (AUV).
- AriesPrototype() - Constructor for class Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles.AriesPrototype
Default constructor to create this object.
- ArleighBurke - Class in Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates
Arleigh Burke Destroyer model containing 1 Harpoon and 2 Tomahawk engagements.
- ArleighBurke() - Constructor for class Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates.ArleighBurke
Default constructor to create this object.
- ArleighBurkeGeneric - Class in Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates
Arleigh Burke model without missiles and corresponding routes.
- ArleighBurkeGeneric() - Constructor for class Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates.ArleighBurkeGeneric
Default constructor to create this object.
- ArleighBurkeHighDetail - Class in Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates
An Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) class guided missle destroyer.
- ArleighBurkeHighDetail() - Constructor for class Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates.ArleighBurkeHighDetail
Default constructor to create this object.
- ArleighBurkeHighDetailPrototype - Class in Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates
Prototype for an Arleigh Burke (DDG51) Class Navy Destroyer.
- ArleighBurkeHighDetailPrototype() - Constructor for class Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates.ArleighBurkeHighDetailPrototype
Default constructor to create this object.
- ArleighBurkePropellers - Class in Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates
Props and hub built in scale 1:1 in feet.
- ArleighBurkePropellers() - Constructor for class Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates.ArleighBurkePropellers
Default constructor to create this object.
- ArleighBurkePrototype - Class in Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates
Arleigh Burke Prototype model without missiles and corresponding routes, built for USS Cole Model.
- ArleighBurkePrototype() - Constructor for class Savage.ShipsMilitary.DDGArleighBurkeUnitedStates.ArleighBurkePrototype
Default constructor to create this object.
- Asa - Class in Savage.Locations.RioDeJaneiro
Rio de Janeiro.
- Asa() - Constructor for class Savage.Locations.RioDeJaneiro.Asa
Default constructor to create this object.
- ATRV - Class in Savage.Robots.UnmannedGroundVehicles
All Terrain Robot Vehicle (ATRV) is primarily used for research in robotics.
- ATRV() - Constructor for class Savage.Robots.UnmannedGroundVehicles.ATRV
Default constructor to create this object.
- Attitude - Class in Savage.AircraftHelicopters.HelicopterUnitedStates
This file defines a stand-by attitude indicator that is inlined to create the cockpit console of a helicopter.
- Attitude() - Constructor for class Savage.AircraftHelicopters.HelicopterUnitedStates.Attitude
Default constructor to create this object.
- AttitudeIndicator - Class in Savage.AircraftHelicopters.OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates
This file defines a stand-by attitude indicator that is inlined to create the cockpit console of a helicopter.
- AttitudeIndicator() - Constructor for class Savage.AircraftHelicopters.OH58dKiowaWarriorUnitedStates.AttitudeIndicator
Default constructor to create this object.
- AutecOpArea - Class in Savage.AuvWorkbench.OperatingAreas
Operations area top-level scene for AUTEC range Andros Island Bahamas, used by the AUV Workbench to build scenarios using unmanned vehicles.
- AutecOpArea() - Constructor for class Savage.AuvWorkbench.OperatingAreas.AutecOpArea
Default constructor to create this object.
- AutomotiveTire - Class in Savage.GroundVehicles.HMMWV
White Wall Tire for Wheeled Vehicles.
- AutomotiveTire() - Constructor for class Savage.GroundVehicles.HMMWV.AutomotiveTire
Default constructor to create this object.
- AuvInBeachTanks - Class in Savage.AuvWorkbench.OperatingAreas
Example showing DIS EspduTransform interface for physics-animated AUV entities.
- AuvInBeachTanks - Class in Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles
Example showing DIS EspduTransform interface for physics-animated AUV entities.
- AuvInBeachTanks() - Constructor for class Savage.AuvWorkbench.OperatingAreas.AuvInBeachTanks
Default constructor to create this object.
- AuvInBeachTanks() - Constructor for class Savage.Robots.UnmannedUnderwaterVehicles.AuvInBeachTanks
Default constructor to create this object.
- AuvwBullsEyePlotExampleDepth45 - Class in Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.Sonar
Stack Scene autogenerated by Sonar Visualization Metcast Query Web Service.
- AuvwBullsEyePlotExampleDepth45() - Constructor for class Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.Sonar.AuvwBullsEyePlotExampleDepth45
Default constructor to create this object.
- AuvwFullFieldExampleBearing0 - Class in Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.Sonar
Full Field Line of Bearing (LOB) Scene autogenerated by Sonar Visualization Metcast Query Web Service.
- AuvwFullFieldExampleBearing0() - Constructor for class Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.Sonar.AuvwFullFieldExampleBearing0
Default constructor to create this object.
- AuvwIsoSurfaceBlockPlotExample - Class in Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.Sonar
Isosurface autogenerated by Sonar Visualization Metcast Query Web Service.
- AuvwIsoSurfaceBlockPlotExample() - Constructor for class Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.Sonar.AuvwIsoSurfaceBlockPlotExample
Default constructor to create this object.
- AuvwSonarVisWindowScene - Class in Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.Sonar
Example scene AuvwSonarVisWindowScene.
- AuvwSonarVisWindowScene() - Constructor for class Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.Sonar.AuvwSonarVisWindowScene
Default constructor to create this object.
- AuvwStackSceneVisualizationExample - Class in Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.Sonar
Stack Scene autogenerated by Sonar Visualization Metcast Query Web Service.
- AuvwStackSceneVisualizationExample() - Constructor for class Savage.CommunicationsAndSensors.Sonar.AuvwStackSceneVisualizationExample
Default constructor to create this object.
- AV8bHarrier - Class in Savage.AircraftFixedWing.AV8bHarrierUnitedStates
Model of the AV8B Harrier vertical short take off and landing aircraft.
- AV8bHarrier() - Constructor for class Savage.AircraftFixedWing.AV8bHarrierUnitedStates.AV8bHarrier
Default constructor to create this object.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages