AUV Workbench poster AUV Workbench Geospatial View AUV Workbench Mission Planner AUV Workbench 3D view from overhead AUV Workbench 3D view with UAV in flight AUV Workbench mission telemetry plot AUV Workbench Geospatial View of SeaFox USV Track to Savage X3D Models Archive

Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle (AUV) Workbench


The NPS Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle Workbench (AUVW) is experimental open-source software that supports physics-based mission rehearsal, real-time task-level control of robot missions, and replay of recorded results in support of autonomous unmanned underwater, surface and air vehicles.

Users are provided with multiple views for a simple 2D plot, geographic layers, and X3D graphics visualization and telemetry plotting capabilities. Missions are written using the Autonomous Vehicle Command Language (AVCL). Together these lead to an in-depth understanding of robot operations. Extensible 3D (X3D) graphics, KML and other open data standards are used throughout. This cross-platform software is implemented using Java and XML, using shared version control and best practices for maximum repeatability and usefulness.

Installation and Open-Source Software Development

For users:

For developers:

X3D Models Archive download options:

Example Missions

Additional Resources


Questions, suggestions and comments about these resources are welcome. Please send them to Don Brutzman (brutzman at
Revised 18 September 2016. Online at

(official disclaimer)

Material contained herein is made available for the purpose of peer review and discussion and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.